


  • Abildina S.K. Features of the modern pedagogical process of forming the national identity of students/S.K. Abildina[et al.]

  • Barabanova Ye.I. Features of the professional development of students with special educational needs under the condition of an inclusive college/Ye.I. Barabanova, G.Z. Adilgazinov, А.Т. Zhakupov

  • Abayeva N.F. Currently topical problems of teaching mathematics at the Technical University/N.F. Abayeva[et al.]

  • Zhapanova R. The formation of children's healthy lifestyle in the educational process is the main issue/R. Zhapanova[et al.]

  • Zolotareva L.R. The study of Chokan Valikhanov’s ethnic and artistic heritage at the lessons of History of Kazakh Art/L.R. Zolotareva, Y.A. Zolotareva

  • Seisenbekov Yer.K.Functions of sport that increase its social significance/Yer.K. Seisenbekov

  • Mikhailova N.B. Features of the updated curricula and improvement of the educational process/N.B. Mikhailova, M.T. Baimukhanova, B.K. Pazylbek

  • Anesova A.Zh. The role of Zh. Aimautov’s basic principles in teaching psychology to future specialists/A.Zh. Anesova, E. Zhumataeva

  • Otynshiyeva M.T. Differentiating education in learning foreign language by students of other majors/M.T. Otynshiyeva, G.B. Sarzhanova, N. Stanciu

  • Шелестова Т.Ю. Внедрение методики раннего обучения английскому языку в начальную школу (на примере школ г. Караганды)/Т.Ю. Шелестова

  • Beisenbaeva B.A. On the use of a learner-centered approach in foreign language/B.A. Beisenbaeva, U.I. Kopzhasarova

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