The aim of a professionally-oriented English language course is to develop students’ communicative competence,
English language linguistic competence, in particular, that supports students’ professional expertise. In
this ...
В связи с происходящими изменениями в образовательной системе Республики Казахстан, т.е. с пере-
ходом на трехъязычное образование, появилась острая необходимость подготовки педагогических
кадров, работающих в полязычных ...
Мақалада қазіргі таңда тілдің адам өміріндегі алатын орны ерекше екенін, сонымен қатар тілдік емес
мамандық студенттерінің тілді меңгеру қажеттілігі туралы жазылған. Тілдік емес жоғарғы оқу орын-
дарында шетел тілін оқыту ...
This article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of level teaching of the English language in schools
in Kazakhstan. The introduction of the Common European Framework of References for Languages in the
process ...
В статье предложено исследовательское видение проблемы дистанционного CLIL обучения студен-
тов. Изучение истории вопроса позволяет говорить об актуальности заявленной проблемы, которая до
сих пор не стала предметом ...
The article deals with the didactic potential and the possibilities of using educational multimedia applications
in the teaching process. In the study the importance of teachers' mastering the skills of using multimedia ...
Inthearticletheauthorsconsiderthe concept of flipped learning method, its features and constituent components.
Flippedlearning (FL) is a pedagogical method aimed at traditional education system transformation.
FL method ...
Статья посвящена исследованию проблемы преодоления языковых барьеров, препятствующих ус-
пешному овладению иностранным языком студентами. Рассмотрены понятие «языковой барьер», его
лингвистический и психологический ...
In this paper, some specific issues of student leadership development in Kazakhstan universities were considered.
The authors draw attention to the fact that leadership development is now becoming an integral part of
the ...
The strategic objectives of trilingual education in Kazakhstan have actualized the need to prepare students of
pedagogical specialties to use English in their professional activities in the context of modernization of ...
The article is devoted to the problem of adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of development of
educational programs at the University. The article deals with the problems of students' adaptation to ...
Petrova, M.; Uteubayeva, E.A.; Kokhanover, T.A.(KU publ., 2020-12-30)
Article is devoted to studying of the didactic approach to teaching foreign languages. One of the key elements
of foreign languages teaching is didactic approach, which organize and manage the process of teaching and ...
Sabirova, R.Sh.; Umurkulova, M.M.; Kuo, Ben C.H.(KU publ., 2020-12-30)
The article describes the results of a study of academic stress in 119 psychology students of the Faculty of
Philosophy and Psychology of Karaganda State University. The author substantiates the relevance of the
stress ...
In the modern world, the mediation process is becoming increasingly relevant every day. After all, modern
society is full of stresses, which subsequently leads to conflicts and disputes. In most cases, intermediaries
can ...
This article provides an overview of the study of the problems of developing the continuity of the content of
training programs in lyceums and gymnasiums. Continuity of education is considered as a phenomenon that
defines ...
The article is focused on the concept of «virtual learning environment» and its role in the students’ independent
work. The virtual learning environment as a means of effective communication of participants in the ...
Мақалада заманауи дəуірдің талаптары мен сұранысын қанағаттандыратын инновациялық форма
ретінде пайда болған CLIL технологиясының австриялық тəжірибесіне сараптама жасалып,
баяндалған. Авторлар өз ғылыми-педагогикалық ...
Modern approaches to teaching a foreign language are considered in the article. Knowledge of one or several
foreign languages has become an urgent problem for many people. And in such circumstances, the search for
effective ...
The article discusses the concept of the «acmeological competence» and its role in the context of trilingual
education. The policy of trilingual education is described, the insufficient level of the English language ...
Цифрлық қоғам — адамдардың өмір жағдайына, олардың біліміне жəне жұмысына, сонымен қатар
мемлекет, бизнес жəне қоғам арақатынасына ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологиялар арқылы
шешуші əсер ететін, қоғам өмірінің барлық ...