The article is a brief overview for the current state of engineering education in Kazakhstan and considers the
prospects for its further development and implementation, which is due to the need for industrial and ...
Kazakhstan has huge reserves of phosphate raw materials. Nowadays high-grade phosphates are almost exhausted, and the ore is mainly represented by run-of-mine and low-grade phosphorites with small phosphorus content. ...
Results of physico-chemical research of stone coals from the Karazhyra field presents in this work. The following
technical indicators of coals were studied: moisture, ash, yield of volatile component, sulfur content,
elemental ...
The ability of ammonia saltpeter to decompose at elevated temperatures causes a rather serious concern both
its manufacturers and its consumers as for this reason the ammonia saltpeter quality and value meet the modern
market ...
The process of electrolysis using bipolar lead electrodesat polarization by alternating current of industrial frequency (50 Hz) in sulfuric acid solutions was studied for the first time. It is shown that the oxidation of ...
This paper shows the effectiveness of the synthesized catalytic additives in the process of hydrogenation of
phenanthrene in the presence of ethanol as a hydrogen donor. Ferrosphere, NiO/SiO2 covered the surface of
ferrosphere ...
Khan, N.V.; Burkitbayev, M.M.; Urakaev, F. Kh.(KSU publ., 2019-10-30)
This research work is devoted to the development of the synthesis technology of nanocomposite based on sulfur, silver chloride and silver sulfide. The components which included in this nanocomposite make it possible to use ...
The article deals with a possibility of the copper phosphide synthesis by interaction of copper (II) oxide and
elemental phosphorus in the water solutions. The method of multifactorial experiment planning was used for
more ...
Tuleshova, E. Zh.; Bayeshov, A.B.; Aibolova, G.K.(KSU publ., 2019-10-30)
In this article results of the kinetic regularities of the processes of electrochemical oxidation-reduction of silver in a solution of hydrochloric acid by the recorded potentiodynamic polarization curves method were ...
The materials based on polysyphone are used for polymer electrolite production. The rheological properties
were measured for three component system polysulphone – solvent – propylene carbonate. The varying factor
was ...
The article provides the material on the levels of zinc, copper, and cadmium in the «soil-medicinal plants»
system in relation to the territorial location and ecological and genetic zonality of the Irtysh river floodplain.
The ...
Toleutay, G.; Su, E.; Kudaibergenov, S.E.(KSU publ., 2019-10-30)
In our previous paper (Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Chemistry series, 2019, 2(94), P. 35–43) we
considered the behavior of quenched (or strongly charged) polyampholytes based on fully charged anionic
monomer — ...
The medicinal plant, Ferula foetida, has been studied, which has a wide range of pharmacological properties.
Since ancient times, ferules have been used in folk medicine in various countries (Central Asia, Iran, China,
India) ...
The amidation features of the Z- and E-isomers of amynoethylene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid diesters
MeO2CCN=C(NRR1)CO2Me, where R = Н; R1 = H, Me, t-Bu; R = R1 = Me, have been considered based on
the data of quantum chemical ...
The kinetics of the polymerization of lactic acid oligomers (LAO) was studied for the first time at various microwave
irradiation powers (MW) in the presence of Sn(Oct)2/benzyl alcohol (C6H5CH2OH) catalyst and
toluenesulfonic ...
In the paper, for the first time, an attempt of systematization of knowledge in the field of reactions of ureas and their heterocyclic derivatives with phosphorus containing reagents has been carried out. In the review due ...
Kokibasova, G.T.; Dyussekeyeva, A.T.; Kaztayeva, A.Ye.(Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2019-09-30)
The programme of the pre-profile elective course «Chemistry around us, or what you will not learn on the lesson» was designed for 34 hours. When conducting a course at the specialized boarding school «Daryn» among 9th grade ...
Orazbayev, B.B.; Kurmangaziyeva, L.T.; Shambilova, G.K.; Muratbekova, A.A.(Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2019-09-30)
Theoretical studies of optimal sizes of sedimentation equipment for water treatment polluted with oil residues and industrial effluents were carried out, and design and operation experience were analyzed. Thus, it was ...
Naukenova, A.Zh.; Sarsenbekov, N.D.; Bekbauov, B.Ye.(Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2019-09-30)
Polymer flooding and alkaline/surfactant/polymer flooding have been applied throughout the world for more than 30 years. However, they were not as popular as other types of enhanced oil recovery methods such as thermal ...
Kopylov, N.I.(Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2019-09-30)
The results of investigation of chemical and phase composition of products of thermal decomposition of hard coal of the Tavantolgoy deposit in Mongolia were presented, namely, the solid residue of thermal decomposition of ...