2013 №2(20)

2013 №2(20)


  • Pribaturin N.А. Multiinformative methods of experimental study of the structure and evolution of two-phase flows / N.А. Pribaturin, V.G. Meledin

  • Kussaiynov K. Experimental studies using reagents softeners for getting water coal suspension from shubarkul coal’s slimes/K.Kussaiynov, G.K.Alpysova, E.T. Tanashev [et al.].

  • Shaimerdenova G.M.Investigation of the natural mineral quartz treated underwater electric discharge/G.M.Shaimerdenova, G.A. Bulkairova, K.K. Sadenova [et al.].

  • Sakipova S.E. Development of sail type wind turbine for small wind speeds/S.E.Sakipova, Zh.T.Kambarova, M.M.Turgunov [et al.]

  • Kussaiynov K. The effect of porosity on the aerodynamic characteristics of a rotating cylinder/K.Kussaiynov , M.M.Turgunov , N.K.Tanasheva [et al.]

  • Mamyrbaeva Y.Y. Synthesis of nanostructured LiCoO2 AS cathode material for lithium-ion batteries / Y.Y. Mamyrbaeva,M.A. Hobosyan,S.E. Kumekov [et al.]

  • Jurov V.M. Physical properties of the multiphase ionic-plasma coatings/V.M. Jurov, V.Ch. Laurinas, S.A.Guchenko [et al.]

  • Sakipova S.E. Changes in properties of metal-containing raw materials as a result of electric processing/ S.E. Sakipova, B.R. Nussupbekov, Z.K. Aitpaeva [et al.]

  • Zhautikov B.A. The introduction of energy-saving technology for transporting rock mass by creation electromagnetic hoisting installation/B.A. Zhautikov, A.A. Aikeyeva, F.B. Zhautikov [et al.]

  • Kolesnikov V.A. Principles of information technology measurement system based on modern weighty measuring complex/ V.A. Kolesnikov, Ya.Zh. Baisagov

  • Kolesnikov V.A. Use field-programmable gate array for formation of test signal impedance meter/ V.A. Kolesnikov, Ya.Zh. Baisagov

  • Recent Submissions

    • Sakipova, S.E.; Nussupbekov, B.R.; Aitpaeva, Z.K.; Khassennov, A.; Ospanova, D.A.; Stoev, Mitko (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      The article discusses the results of use of electric pulse technology for processing metal-containing raw materials. It shows the results of the analysis of the elemental composition of ore samples from Nurkazgan and Annensk ...
    • Kolesnikov, V.A.; Baisagov, Ya.Zh. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      This article describes a method of generating test signals for bridge impedance meter with modern high-speed components . The article made rationale for selecting the measuring circuit. The choice of the main hardware ...
    • Kolesnikov, V.A.; Baisagov, Ya.Zh. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      Article deals with the basic principles of building information-measuring system based on the weight of the complex. Are given the comparative characteristics of weights and weight complexes. Describes the requirements for ...
    • Zhautikov, B.A.; Aikeyeva, A.A.; Zhautikov, F.B.; Mukhtarova, P.A. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      In light of the Strategy of Industrial and Innovation Development of Kazakhstan for 2003-2015 and the State program for accelerated industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan for 2010 - 2014 years, which provides a ...
    • Mamyrbaeva, Y.Y.; Hobosyan, M.A.; Kumekov, S.E.; Martirosyan, K.S. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      Nanostructured LiCoO2 powders were prepared by Carbon combustion synthesis of oxide method using carbon as starting materials. The thermo-gravimetric analysis was used to identify interaction features in the system LiNO3 ...
    • Pribaturin, N.А.; Meledin, V.G. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      New experimental techniques based on fixation of gas-liquid interface image to control and describe 2D and 3D effects of two-phase flows are described. The developed signal processing algorithm enables to obtain extensive ...
    • Sakipova, S.E.; Kambarova, Zh.T.; Turgunov, M.M.; Kussaiynov, E.K.; Kussaiynova, A.K. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      The present article is devoted to the development and establishment of low-power multiblade wind turbines for generate electricity using blades with dynamically changeable form. The prototype of wind turbine with dynamically ...
    • Shaimerdenova, G.M.; Bulkairova, G.A.; Sadenova, K.K.; Sagimbekova, M.N. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      Аrticle is discusses the results of studies of the electrohydraulic method of destruction of natural mineral quartz. Examined some types of quartz and its use in production. The electroimpulse technology is one of acceptable ...
    • Kussaiynov, K.; Alpysova, G.K.; Tanashev, E.T.; Tolynbekov, A.B.; Tleubergenova, A. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      Modern development of power system is characterized by the reduction of share of an expensive liquid fuel use which is a valuable raw material for the refining industry and the increasing use of solid fuels. Stockpiles of ...
    • Jurov, V.M.; Laurinas, V.Ch.; Guchenko, S.A.; Zavatskaya, O.N. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      The article includes the following topics: obtaining coatings in the conditions of deposition of multicomponent plasma flow and study the structure of the obtained coatings; the influence of ion and laser irradiation on ...
    • Kussaiynov, K.; Turgunov, M.M.; Tanasheva, N.K.; Duisembaeva, A.N.; Kalikova, A. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2013)
      The paper presents the results of experimental studies on determination of the drag and lift force of a rotating cylinder with a porous surface within the airflow velocity range from 5 to 13 m/s (Re = 40,000- 105,000) at ...