Browsing 1(93)/2019-Математика by Issue Date

Browsing 1(93)/2019-Математика by Issue Date

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  • Orumbayeva, N.T.; Keldibekova, A.B. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    One of the main and most studied problems in the theory of second order hyperbolic equations is a periodic boundary value problem. To solve such problems apply Fourier method, method of successive approximations, methods ...
  • Ozer, O.; Bellaouar, D. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    In this paper, we determine the real quadratic fields Q( p d) coincide with positive square-free integers d including the continued fraction expansion form of wd = 2 64 a0; 7; 7; : : : ; 7 | {z } `􀀀1 ; a` 3 7 ...
  • Muratbekov, M.B.; Muratbekov, M.M. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    The Schrodinger operator L = — Д + q(x), x £ Rn, is one of the main operators of modern quantum mechanics and theoretical physics. It is known that many fundamental results have been obtained for the Schrodinger operator ...
  • Kosmakova, M.T.; Akhmanova, D.M.; Iskakov, S.A.; Tuleutaeva, Zh.M.; Kasymova, L.Zh. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    In this paper, we study the solvability of a second-kind pseudo-Volterra integral equation. By replacing the right-hand side and the unknown function, the integral equation is reduced to an integral equation, the kernel ...
  • Tleubergenov, M.I.; Azhymbaev, D.T. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    The Helmholtz problem is considered in a probabilistic formulation. By a given stochastic Langevin-Ito equation in an indirect representation, as the equation of the Hamiltonian structure and the equation of the Birkhoffian ...
  • Yeshkeyev, A.R.; Omarova, M.T. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    In this paper, the central types of convex fragments of the perfect Jonsson theory are considered. The main goal of this paper is to redefine the A.D. Taimanov’s question for complete theories in the sphere of Jonsson ...
  • Voronenko, S.V. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    Improving the efficiency and reliability of ship electric power systems is a priority task for modern shipbuilding. One of the ways to solve this problem is to use the power of the main power plant for the production of ...
  • Yessenbayeva, G.A.; Yesbayeva, D.N.; Syzdykova, N.K.; Akpanov, I.A. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    The article is devoted to the application of the collocation method to solving differential equations, which are the basis for calculating many problems of mechanics. In this article the structure of this method is presented, ...
  • Jenaliyev, M.T.; Ramazanov, M.I.; Kosmakova, M.T.; Tanin, A.O. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    In this paper, we study a homogeneous singular integral Volterra equation of the second kind (pseudo-Volterra integral equation). The singularity of the integral equation is shown. Properties of its kernel are proved. The ...
  • Muhtarov, M.; Kalidolday, A.H. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    The problem of a linear regulator is considered. There is a system of linear differential equations with a quadratic control quality criterion. The method of dynamic programming is applied to the solution of the considered ...
  • Baimakhan, R.B.; Baimakhan, A.R.; Abdiakhmetova, Z.M.; Seynasinova, A.A.; Baimakhanova, G.M. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    The problem of developing a new generalized strength (plasticity)condition is applied to soils of anisotropic, in particular a transversal-isotropic (trans-structural) structure. This condition is derived by generalizing ...
  • Pylypaka, S.; Klendii, M.; Trokhaniak, V. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    Differential equations of relative material particle motion over a plane, which rotates about a horizontal axis, have been set up. Plane location relative to a rotation axis is set by a certain angle, which value can range ...
  • Matveev, S.K.; Jaichibekov, N.Zh.; Shalabayeva, B.S.; Zhussupova, D. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    In this paper, we consider the stratified turbulent flow of a two-phase medium in inclined pipes. Based on the new turbulence model [1], a program code for calculating two-dimensional flows for the study of two- phase ...
  • Begaliyeva, K.B.; Arshidinova, M.T.; Arynov, E.; Kudaykulov, A.K.; Tashev, A.A.; Duishenaliev, T.B. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    A horizontal rod of limited length is considered. Radius of the rod varies linearly along its length. The cross¬sectional area of the left end is larger than the cross-sectional area of the right end. The lateral surface ...
  • Kenzhebayeva, М.О. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019)
    The problem of studying the deep structure of the earth’s crust is one of the strategic directions of geophysical research, ensuring the development of Earth sciences. Therewith, gravimetry is one of the main methods for ...
  • Akhmanova, D.M.; Kervenev, K.E.; Baltabayeva, A.M. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019-03-30)
    The wide range of problems of mathematical physics is reduced to a special Volterra integral equation of the second kind or to integral equations with variable limits of integration. Among such problems we can include: ...
  • Yeshkeyev, A.R.; Issayeva, A.K. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019-03-31)
    In this article the model-theoretic properties of special formula subsets of the semantic model of some fixed Jonsson theory are considered. The main purpose of this paper is the study of concepts of models’ primeness ...
  • Yessenbayeva, G.A.; Yesbayev, À.N.; Poppell, H. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publ., 2019-03-31)
    The article is devoted to the research question of inequalities for different metrics with trigonometric polynomials. The structure of this exploring, its main components and types, as well as its classical approaches are ...

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