Khassenov, A.K.; Bulkairova, G.A.; Nussupbekov, B.R.; Schrager, E.R.; Karabekova, D.Zh.; Bolatbekova, M.M.; Zholdasbek, Y.A.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
In the article the results of a study of heat conductivity and thermal resistance of quartz-containing materials
were presented. The object of the study was a quartz mineral from the Aktas deposit, located in the ...
Buitkenov, D.B.; Sagdoldina, Zh.B.; Sulyubayeva, L.G.; Nabioldina, A.B.; Raisov, N.S.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
In this study, multilayer gradient NiCrAlY/ZrO2-Y2O3 coatings obtained by detonation spraying in 1D (spot
sputtering) and 2D (full-surface scanning sputtering) modes were investigated. The structure of coatings was
analyzed ...
Rakhadilov, B.K.; Muktanova, N.; Kakimzhanov, D.N.; Kowalewski, P.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
Valve components used in the petroleum industry are subjected to intense wear during operation, which leads
to a sharp decrease in their durability. Usually, the often subjected to the wear process surface of the valves ...
Uskenbaev, D.E.; Nogai, A.S.; Uskenbayev, A.D.; Nogai, E.A.; Kudussov, A.S.; Khamzina, B.E.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
In the paper the results of the study on the synthesis of high-temperature superconducting ceramics of nominal
composition Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy by various methods were presented based on amorphous phases using
glass-ceramic ...
Alpyssova, G.K.; Afanasyev, D.A.; Bakiyeva, Zh.K.; Lisitsyna, L.A.; Golkovski, M.G.; Tussupbekova, A.K.; Kissabekova, A.A.; Tuleuov, S.D.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
One of the promising methods for producing ceramics from tungstate metals of the MWO4 composition is radiation
synthesis using powerful electron fluxes. Due to the unique properties of radiation, it was possible ...
Mukametkali, T.M.; Aimukhanov, A.K.; Zeinidenov, A.K.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
This approach allows you to more accurately evaluate the performance of solar panels and identify any problems
or degradation in their operation. The LUMO value of mPc closer to the LUMO value of
CH3NH3I3PbClx increased ...
Seisenbayeva, G.S.; Kambar, D.S.; Zavgorodniy, A.V.; Ilyassov, B.R.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
This study focuses on the synthesis and characterization of hole transport layers (HTLs) for solar cells, particularly
copper(I) thiocyanate (CuSCN) and cuprous oxide (Cu2O), synthesized via electrodeposition techniques.
CuSCN ...
Nurakhmetov, T.N.; Bakhtizin, R.Z.; Tolekov, D.A.; Shamieva, R.K.; Salikhodzha, Zh.M.; Sadykova, B.M.; Yusupbekova, B.N.; Pazylbek, S.A.; Bairbaeva, G.B.; Rakhymzhanov, B.M.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
In the irradiated phosphor LiRbSO4 Eu , the mechanisms of formation of the induced or combined electron-
emitting state at 3.1-2.94 eV were studied using optical and thermal activation spectroscopy methods. It
has been ...
Beall, G.W.; Akhmetsadyk, D.S.; Ilyin, A.M.; Tulegenova, M.A.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
The adsorption of O3 molecules (ozone) on graphene, N-doped graphene, Ga-doped graphene, and
-Ga-N- co-doped graphene with an emphasis on O3 detection was examined in this work. The physical characteristics
of -Ga-N-co-doped ...
Koshtybayev, T.; Aliyeva, M.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
This article focuses on the kinetic theory of inhomogeneous plasma and explores the interaction between
a high-frequency electric field and weakly inhomogeneous plasma. Particularly, it examines the impact
of an external ...
Spivak-Lavrov, I.F.; Sharipov, S.U.; Seiten, A.B.; Trubitsyn, A.A.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024-03-30)
Deflector plates consist of two parallel conductive plates that create a deflecting electric field. They can be
used to control the flow of charged particles ― electrons or ions. The effect of the еdgе fiеld of deflector
plates ...
Tanasheva, N.K.; Bakhtybekova, A.R.; Shuyushbayeva, N.N.; Dyusembaeva, A.N.; Burkov, M.A.; Nurkenov, S.A.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024-03-30)
Magnus wind turbines have a number of advantages in the form of electricity generation at low wind values,
ranging from 3-4 m/s. However, at high speeds around the existing blades of wind turbines, there is a phenomenon
of ...
Katsyv, S.; Kukharchuk, V.; Madyarov, V.; Kucheruk, V.; Kulakov, P.; Нribov, M.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024-03-30)
The paper proposes the use of the non-Euclidean metric to reduce the uncertainty that occurs when measuring
voltage for the tasks of ongoing continuous control of electric power consumption in large, branched highvoltag ...
Bektasova, G.S.; Issina, K.M.; Imanzhanova, G.T.; Kveglis, L.I.; Kantai, N.; Nedobitkov, A.I.; Sadibekov, A.B.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024-03-30)
This work is devoted to the study of changes in the crystal structure, chemical and phase composition of copper
samples subjected to extreme effects of temperature, pressure and electromagnetic fields. With the help ...
Berdimuratov, N.E.; Kambarov, Ye.Ye.; Maulet, M.; Bolatov, S.D.; Sagdoldina, Zh.B.; Baizhan, D.R.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024-03-30)
This paper presents the results of research aimed at developing the technology of plow share hardening by
means of electrofriction hardening. It is shown that in electrofriction hardening of plow shares a structure
with ...
Kubenova, M.M.; Kuterbekov, K.A.; Balapanov, M.Kh.; Ishembetov, R.Kh.; Kabdrakhimova, G.D.; Alina, R.A.; Bulatova, D.; Tatay, M.; Yelibayev, O.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024-03-30)
Modern research efforts are aimed at developing fuel cells characterized by high efficiency, low cost and environmental
friendliness, which largely depend on the properties of the corresponding catalyst materials ―
the ...
Sklyarov, N.; Shapovalov, A.; Chernenko, P.; Korniev, A.; Kashkanov, A.; Kashkanov, V.; Kucheruk, V.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024-03-30)
The creation of a laboratory installation was carried out with an aim to ensure the study of the working processes
and characteristics of vacuum boosters as a part of hydraulic brake drives for vehicles with a gross
weight ...
Rakhadilov, B.K.; Bayatanova, L.B.; Kengesbekov, A.B.; Abdulina, S.A.; Kylyshkanov, M.K.; Podoinikov, M.A.; Moldabaeva, G.S.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024-03-30)
Preliminary studies of fluoranhydrite as a binder showed that on its own it almost does not harden, intervention
in the technological process of basic production is almost impossible, so in order to obtain materials it ...
Sulyubayeva, L.G.; Rakhadilov, B.K.; Naimankumaruly, Y.; Bayandinova, M.B.; Muktanova, N.; Berdimuratov, N.E.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024-03-30)
One of the important aspects is the interaction of plasma with the surface of a material, especially in the conditions
of a fusion facility. The current work presents the preliminary results of the study of tungsten ...
Kubenova, M.M.; Kuterbekov, K.A.; Balapanov, M.Kh.; Ishembetov, R.Kh.; Kabdrakhimova, G.D.; Alina, R.A.; Tatay, M.; Ildos, R.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024-03-30)
Copper chalcogenides have a complex electronic structure due to the interaction of hybridized s- and p-states
of chalcogen forming a valence band with 3d states of copper, which greatly complicates the interpretation ...