Environmental contamination by heavy metals — copper, zinc, chromium, lead, mercury, cadmium, etc.
formed by emissions into the environment by industry. Found that most of the metal is deposited in the range
of 1–2 km from the emission sources, and 10–40 % — in the range of 8–10 km from the enterprises. Precipitation
adequately reflects the air pollution in towns. As part of the snow, as in the accumulative indicators reflecting
specific anthropogenic load of industrial zones. Important role in the accumulation of heavy metal
complexes play a secondary minerals with organic matter and hydroxides of iron and aluminum. Major role
in increasing migration properties of heavy metals play water-soluble organic compound, which is associated
with 60–90 % of migratory environmental metals. Understanding the processes of migration and transition elements
from one environment to another is of great practical importance for the study of the mechanisms and
pathways to human exposure, assess the degree of toxicity of the chemical elements