This article examines the polymer and ASP flooding effects on the X field. Experimental studies were carried
out on core material from heavy oil to compare the effectiveness of these methods. Core data as a sampling
depth, ...
Kim, S.V.; Kim, V.A.; Sariev, O.R.; Kudarinov, S.Kh.; Bogoyavlenskaya, O.A.; Orlov, A.S.; Orlova, V.V.; Zhdanov, A.V.(KSU Publ., 2018-12-30)
A series of experiments on coking long-flame coals by high-speed thermooxidative pyrolysis was carried out
as a part of smokeless fuel technology development from domestic energy coals. The objective of experiments
was ...
Natural resources are among the main wealth of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including abundant and cheap
natural clays in the southern and northern region of the country. The chemical industry in Kazakhstan has
been ...
In this paper, the results of testing a new nonionic surfactant as a corrosion inhibitor in a 0.5M hydrochloric
acid solution are given. The corrosion inhibitor was synthesized by catalytic esterification of maleic
anhydride ...
In this work, great attention was paid to identifying the reasons for the absence of practically implemented
technologies for processing chrysotile asbestos wastes and searching for new methods for treating wastes
with ...
In this work phase equilibria in water – ethoxylated nonylphenol (Neonol) – sodium chloride systems was investigated,
and temperature ranges of two-phase liquid and monotectic equilibrium region existence were established.
These ...
The influence of the calculation method and small structural change in the molecule on the results of geometry
and other properties of compounds was studied on the example of known antibiotics. The structural, electronic,
and ...
The authors of the article consider the possibilities of using the game method of instruction in the study of
chemistry. Correctly selected game and tasks allow activating both the learning process itself and creating
conditions ...
Analysis of oil sludge formed in a storage tank for straight-run fuel oil of «Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery»
LLP was carried out in this work. Content of water, oil products and mechanical impurities was 12.4 %,
17.6 ...
Introduction of surfactants in paintwork materials composition is one of the effective ways to improve their
quality. It is obvious that introduction of surface-active additives in coating compositions changes not only
the ...
An essential factor affecting the effectiveness of protective and decorative properties of paint and varnish
compositions due to the use of surfactants with inhibitory activity in their formulations, as well as the ...
Possibility of using the copolymers of poly-(ethylene)-propylene glycol maleate (p-EGM, p-PGM) with
acrylic acid (АA) as a matrix for obtaining effective metal-polymer complexes of different application was
shown. The ...