


  • Synthesis and characteristics of metal-polymer complexes of p-EGM/AA-Ni0-Co0 and p-PGM/AA-Ni0-Co0 / M.Zh Burkeyev, T.O.Khamitova, A.Zh.Sarsenbekova, D Havlichek, Ye.M.Tazhbayev, Zh.K.Imanbekova, A.N. Bolatbay

  • Dyuryagina, A.N., Lutsenko, A.A. Investigation of the processes of titanium dioxide dispersion in the presence of various surfactants / A.N.Dyuryagina, A.A.Lutsenko

  • Dyuryagina, A.N., Lutsenko, A.A. Study of paint and varnishes systems structuring in the presence of surfactants/ Dyuryagina, A.N., Lutsenko, A.A.

  • Abulyaissova, L.K., Kasymova, M.S., Minayeva, Ye.V. Theoretical calculations of natural penicillins: structural and electronic properties / L.K. Abulyaissova, M.S. Kasymova, Ye.V. Minayeva

  • Topological transformation of phase diagrams water – ethoxylated nonylphenols – sodium chloride systems/ A.M. Elokhov, A.V.Stankova, O.S.Kudryashova, A.E.Lesnov.

  • Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of 4-nitrophenol with new pillared clays prepared from the natural material extracted in deposits of Kazakhstan / M.S.Kalmakhanova, B.K. Massalimova, J.L.Diaz de Tuesta, A.S.Kulazhanova, D.A.Kulbaeva, S.M.Kantarbaeva.

  • Selective extraction of magnesium from asbestos-containing raw materials /V.N.Fomin, A.T.Dyussekeyeva, Ye.V. Minayeva, B.A.Amanzholova, M.E.Kassymov, I.Ye.Rozhkovoy, N.A.Kargina.

  • Inhibitory activity investigation of a new nitrogen-containing surfactant in an acid medium/ V.N.Ayukayeva, G.I.Boiko, N.P.Lyubchenko, R.G.Sarmurzina, R.F.Mukhamedova, U.S.Karabalin.

  • Influence of coal heat treatment parameters on physical-chemical properties of smokeless fuel/ S.V.Kim, V.A.Kim, O.R. Sariev, S.Kh.Kudarinov, O.A.Bogoyavlenskaya, A.S. Orlov, V.V.Orlova, A.V.Zhdanov.

  • Comparison of the chemical flood recovery efficiency via experimental studies on the Pre-Caspian Basin core samples/ A.Zh.Naukenova, Zh.B.Kuatov, B.Ye.Bekbauov, R.B.Merbayev

  • Analysis of oil sludge and selection of solvents for the extraction method of petroleum products recovery /Ye.S. Panova, Ye.A.Issabayev, M.T. Baigaziyev, G.I.Boiko, N.P.Lyubchenko, R.G. Sarmurzina

  • Akhmetov, N.K., Azimbayeva, G.T. Application of educational games in the teaching of chemistry / N.K. Akhmetov, G.T.Azimbayeva.

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