Zhagalov, R.B; Akimzhanova, M.T.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
In modern conditions, tenders are a key source of income for government organizations and the business
community, as it contributes to the effective organization of the procurement process and ensures transparency
and ...
Bekturganov, M.Zh.; Maxatov, N.R.; Moroz, S.P.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
In the scientific article the legal nature of the pre-trial protocol in civil proceedings was examined. The institution
of judicial evidence was subject to change in connection with the latest reforms of the civil ...
Kopzhassarova, S.I.; Juchnevicius, E.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis considering the relationship between general
and special grounds for invalidating transactions within the framework of rehabilitation and bankruptcy
procedures, ...
Mutubayeva, D.М.; Ilyassova, G.A.(Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov, 2024)
The paper reveals the features of introducing a new institute of deferral of payment of the state duty on civil
cases in the courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These novelties are primarily aimed at ensuring access ...
Нурекешов, Т.К.; Айтказин, Е.М.(Академик Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды университеті, 2024)
Мақалада 2021 жылдың 20 желтоқсанында Қазақстан Республикасының № 84-VII Заңымен
қабылданған азаматтық іс жүргізуге сотқа дейінгі хаттаманы енгізу түріндегі өзгеріске талдау
жасалынған. Жаңашылдыққа сәйкес бұл процедура ...