Technology of the dosed addition of reagents-plastificators in the mass of coal-water fuel

Show simple item record Nusupbekov, B.R. Alpysova, G.K. Tanasheva, N.K. Tleubergenova, A.Zh. Omarov, N.N. Omarova, Zh.T. 2019-02-20T11:20:39Z 2019-02-20T11:20:39Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Technology of the dosed addition of reagents-plastificators in the mass of coal-water fuel /B.R. Nusupbekov, G.K. Alpysova, N.K. Tanasheva, A.Zh. Tleubergenova, N.N. Omarov, Zh.T. Omarova //Қарағанды универисетінің хабаршысы. ФИЗИКА Сериясы.=Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия ФИЗИКА.=Bulletin of the Karaganda University. PHYSICS Series.-2018.-№2.-Р.42-48 ru_RU
dc.identifier.issn 2518-7198
dc.description.abstract The article discusses the scheme of preparation of highly concentrated water-coal suspensions for the combustion of water-coal fuel. While, experimental studies were carried out on grinding coal and selecting organic compounds. Nowadays, many variants of technological schemes for the preparation of highly concentrated water-coal suspensions are known and tested in our country and as abroad. The choice of a rational technological scheme of preparation depends on many factors as the properties and quality of the feedstock, the required quality of the suspension, and the type of additives used in the process, economic opportunities, etc. In order to select the most effective plasticizers for water-coal suspensions prepared from coal slimes, the effect of plasticizers has been studied. These reagents meet the requirements for plasticizer reagents and are readily available. The effectiveness of these additives is due to their physicochemical properties, a feature of their structure, consisting of hydrocarbon, aromatic, carboxyl, hydroxyl and other groups. We obtained the dependence of the height of the dispersed phase layer on the time of the presence of the suspension with the addition of gelatin, fuel oil, lignosulfonate (LST), sodium humate. Suspensions with the addition of sodium humate have the best stability. As a result of the analysis of experimental studies, it has been established that the humic additive with content of the order of 1 % is the optimal binder reagent from the used (fuel oil, humic acid, gelatin). ru_RU
dc.language.iso en ru_RU
dc.publisher Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseries Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Physics series;№2(90)/2018
dc.subject water-coal suspension ru_RU
dc.subject water-coal fuel ru_RU
dc.subject reagent-plasticizer ru_RU
dc.subject technological scheme ru_RU
dc.subject humic additive ru_RU
dc.title Technology of the dosed addition of reagents-plastificators in the mass of coal-water fuel ru_RU
dc.title.alternative Сулы-көмірлі отын массасына реагент-пластификаторларды мөлшерлеп қосу технологиясы ru_RU
dc.title.alternative Технология дозированного добавления реагентов-пластификаторов в массу водоугольного топлива ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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