2018 №2(30)

2018 №2(30)


  • Potapov A.A. On the issues of fractal radio electronics: Part 1. Processing of multidimensional signals, Radiolocation, nanotechnology, radio engineering Elements and sensors/ A.A. Potapov

  • Potapov A.A. On the issues of fractal radio electronics: Part 2. Distribution and scattering of radio waves, radio heat effects, new models, large fractal systems/A.A. Potapov

  • Kazhikenova S.Sh. Computer simulation for the flow of high-temperature melts/ S.Sh. Kazhikenova

  • Electrostatic energy analyzer of charged particles on the basis of a quadrupole-cylindrical field in the “ring-axis” focusing regime/А.О. Saulebekov, А.А. Trubitsyn, Zh.T. Kambarova, D.A. Saulebekova

  • Dudin I.V. Resistance moment at rotation of an ellipsoid in viscous fluid/I.V. Dudin, R.K. Narimanov, G.N. Narimanova

  • Kucherenko M.G. Formation of the spectral contour width of nanoparticles plasmon resonance by electron cattering on phonons and a boundary surface/M.G. Kucherenko, V.M. Nalbandyan

  • Properties of Ti/Cu multilayer coatings/ S.A. Guchenko, N.N. Koval, V.M. Yurov, O.V. Krysina, O.N. Zavatskaya

  • Shaikenova A. Chemical vapor deposition growth of WS2 crystals/A. Shaikenova, R. Beisenov, D. Muratov

  • Shaikenova A. Studying the mechanism of graphene formation by chemical vapor deposition synthesis/ A. Shaikenova, R. Beisenov, D. Muratov

  • Ibrayev N.Kh. Electrical characteristics of semiconductor polymer films doped with silver nanoparticles/N.Kh. Ibrayev, D.A. Afanasyev

  • Using the system of fine purification of gases in the disposal of industrial and domestic waste/M.K. Bezrodny, K.E. Sakipov, M.B. Aytmagambetova, B.A. Zhakishev

  • Experimental studies of the vortex hydraulic elevator/K.E. Sakipov, A.A. Abirov, D.M. Sharifov, B.N. Makhmudov

  • Perchatkina E.V. Numerical solution of the problem of supersonic gas flow in two-dimensional channel with the oscillating upper wall/E.V. Perchatkina, L.L. Minkov

  • Yershina A.K. Determining the aerodynamic characteristics of sailing wind turbine/A.K. Yershina, A.А. Ydyryssova

  • Investigation of thermal conditions of the molding process of slurry beryllium oxide/Z. Sattinova, G. Ramazanova, U. Zhapbasbayev, B. Assilbekov, E. Mussenova

  • Study of electro-physical parameters of wind turbines/E.R. Shrager, S.E. Sakipova, N.K. Tanasheva, K.E. Akhmerova, N. Botpayev, A.К. Kussaiynova

  • Analysis of the effect of electro-discharge water treatment on its purification degree/K.M. Shaimerdenova, M. Stoev, A.S. Tusypbaeva, A. Rakhmankyzy,G. Sekerbaeva

  • Fayzullaev A.R. Application of spectroscopy in the process of obtaining dyes from onion pell/A.R. Fayzullaev, S.Kh Astanov, N.M. Ergasheva

  • Application of dosimetry methods for internal organs exposure and possible influence to remote effects/Y.T. Zhunussov, K.Sh. Zhumadilov , N.Zh. Chaizhunusova , N.B. Sayakenov , D.M. Shabdarbaeva , V.S. Gnyrya, А.S. Аzimkhanov ,V.F. Stepanenko , N. Fujimoto, K. Shichijo, M. Hoshi

  • Recent Submissions

    • Zhunussov, Y.T.; Zhumadilov, K.Sh.; Chaizhunusova, N.Zh.; Sayakenov, N.B.; Shabdarbaeva, D.M.; Gnyrya, V.S.; Аzimkhanov, А.S.; Stepanenko, V.F.; Fujimoto, N.; Shichijo, K.; Hoshi, M. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A. Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      Internal dosimetry study is conducted during rats exposure by dust of 56Mn powder during experiment to study exposure effect in Kurchatov reactor complex Baical-1 (Kurchatov city, East- Kazakhstan region). This study was ...
    • Fayzullaev, A.R.; Astanov, S.Kh. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A. Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      A dye-receiving technology from waste products in the form of onion peel. Spectroscopic methods defined temperature extraction mode pigments. It is shown that bioflavony and extracts from onion peels tend to form complexes ...
    • Yershina, A.K.; Ydyryssova, A.А. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A. Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      Wind turbines on the principle of operation can be divided into 3 types: sailing (Savonius), propeller and wing (Darrieus type) wind turbines. In paper the fundamentals of the theory of sailing wind turbines are outlined. ...
    • Perchatkina, E.V.; Minkov, L.L. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A.Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      In paper we solve the problem of supersonic gas flow in two-dimensional channel with the moving upper wall making oscillations according to the harmonic law. In order to get a numerical solution for gas dynamics equations ...
    • Sakipov, K.E.; Abirov, A.A.; Sharifov, D.M.; Makhmudov, B.N. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A. Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      The article presents the results of experimental studies to assess the optimal operation modes of the vortex hydraulic elevator of the autonomous water treatment system. Based on experimental studies, it has been shown ...
    • Shaikenova, A.; Beisenov, R.; Muratov, D. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A.Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      Due to their unique properties, 2D materials have a great potential in various applications. It argued that chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method is widely used in the synthesis of graphene. In this paper the experiments ...
    • Shaikenova, A.; Beisenov, R.; Muratov, D. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A.Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      The synthesis and characterization of WS2 single crystals grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method thru sulfurization of tungsten oxide thin layer on quartz substrate studied. Synthesis of WS2 carried out at ...
    • Kucherenko, M.G.; Nalbandyan, V.M. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A.Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      The effectiveness of the method of narrowing plasmon resonances of nanoparticles by reducing the temperature was evaluated. It is shown that for particles with a radius of less than 70 nm, it is necessary to take into ...
    • Bezrodny, M.K.; Sakipov, K.E.; Aytmagambetova, M.B.; Zhakishev, B.A. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A. Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      The paper solves the problem of the inertial method of sedimentation of dust particles (or liquid droplets), which is based on changing the direction of gas movement with particles suspended in it. Really one of the most ...
    • Dudin, I.V.; Narimanov, R.K.; Narimanova, G.N. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A.Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      The slow rotation of a solid body in a liquid, which is affected by the resistance force, is considered on the example of an ellipsoid. This force is created by both friction forces and pressure forces resulting from the ...
    • Kazhikenova, S.Sh. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A.Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      One of the most constructive methods of studying physical properties of melts is computer simulation. This is explained by a large theoretical and applied value of the information obtained with respect to the transfer ...
    • Potapov, А.А. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A. Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      The paper presents fractal approaches to solving problems of radio electronics at all stages of radiation and reception of radio waves with the subsequent processing of incoming information. In the second part of the ...
    • Potapov, A.A. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after academician E.A.Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      The paper presents fractal approaches to solving problems of radio electronics at all stages of radio waves radiation and reception with the subsequent processing of incoming information. This part of the article deals ...
    • Shaimerdenova, K.M.; Stoev, M.; Tusypbaeva, A.S.; Rakhmankyzy, A.; Sekerbaeva, G. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      This article discusses the study of the analysis of the effect of electric discharges on the degree of water purification. A description of the technique for measuring specific electrical conductivity using a conductivity ...
    • Shrager, E.R.; Sakipova, S.E.; Tanasheva, N.K.; Akhmerova, K.E.; Botpayev, N.; Kussaiynova, A.К. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      The article discusses the results of research on the effectiveness of wind-driven power plants of small and medium power. The results of tests of two different models of wind turbines combined with a specially designed ...
    • Sattinova, Z.; Ramazanova, G.; Zhapbasbayev, U.; Assilbekov, B.; Mussenova, E. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      Results of experiments and calculations of the mathematical model of the motion and heat exchange of the slurry mass in the annular cavity are presented. Temperature distribution, estimated during the experiments, in the ...
    • Ibrayev, N.Kh.; Afanasyev, D.A. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      The electrical properties of composite films based on polymer PEDOT:PSS with а addition of Ag nanoparticles or Ag–TiO2 nanostructures have been studied. A current–voltage characteristic is observed for polymer solar ...
    • Guchenko, S.A.; Koval, N.N.; Yurov, V.M.; Krysina, O.V.; Zavatskaya, O.N. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2018-03-30)
      In this work, we used the cathodes Ti and Cu. Coatings were deposited on steel samples by the ionplasma method on a vacuum unit while simultaneously spraying the above cathodes. Multilayer coatings were created as follows: ...
    • Saulebekov, А.О.; Trubitsyn, А.А.; Kambarova, Zh.T.; Saulebekova, D.A. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2018-06-29)
      A study of corpuscular-optical parameters of the electrostatic energy analyzer scheme based on the quadrupole-cylindrical field which proposed earlier was сonducted. The operation regime of the energy analyzer, in which ...