This article contains information about the impact of mobile communicationson the human body. And also it considers the harmful of mobile phones to the human health. It is clear that electromagnetic radiation from mobile ...
Environmental pollution has an adverse effect on the functional state of the body of the child population. Exposure to environmental factors leads to the development of negative effects in the health status of the population, ...
L' article est consacré aux caractéristiques généalogiques des jumeaux, l'utilisation des technologies de reproduction supplémentaires dans la naissance des «enfants de tube à essai « à la suite de la fécondation in vitro ...
The literary analysis of influence of heavy metals is Given on an environment and organism of man. Heavy
metals are the basic pollutants of environment of industrial cities. Connections of heavy metals possess high
biochemical ...
The assessment of the regulatory systems of the body of children in the early childhood was conducted by using
physiological and clinical examination in junior classes of secondary school. Morphological and functional
The literary review containing data on the main sources of intake of heavy metals in objects of environment
and in an organism is presented in article. The characteristic of the term «heavy metals» is given to, the ...
In this article influence of the Arselor Metall Steel enterprise on the condition of atmospheric air of districts
of the city of Temirtau, adjacent to the enterprise, is considered. The annual dynamics of the content of ...
The process of coming fibres into organisms’ of people and animals it appears to be very interesting to
investigate biological, especially carcinogenic features of chrysotile-asbestos. A wide specter was found on
dusty ...
The article deals with the transition to 12-year education which is a justified step. Since the negative factors
affecting the development of the national pre-school models — old system of evaluation of educational
achievements ...
Загрязнение водных объектов в районах с развитой промышленностью обусловлено первичной и вто-
ричной нагрузкой, как бактериальной, так и химической, что формирует непосредственную и потен-
циальную опасность. Выпуск ...
In the article are presented data devoted to the problems of municipal solid waste, as they are one of the most
acute economic and environmental problems. In the cities, there is an intensive accumulation of solid waste
and ...
Currently, in the existing methodological recommendations covered issues of ranging areas based on quantitative
and qualitative analysis criteria, using air-route and under torch samples. In modern conditions for the
control ...
Deficiency of iodine in environment is the long-term factor which doesn’t change throughout centuries of
human existence. Certainly, in iodic security of an organism food plays large role, by means of which geochemical
features ...
The article shows that many factors affect negatively in our time on the demographic situation.
Among them are the main ones: Economic, social, political, etc. But, in recent years the influence of environmental factors ...
Marchenko, A.B.; Ivasenko, S.A.; Turmukhambetova, A.A.(Вестник Карагандинского университета, 2016-12-30)
The level of trimethylamine N-oxide, exceeding the threshold indices, is a precursor to a number of diseases,
leading to disability and death. In this context the definition of titers and the normalization of its levels ...
Frequency of developing of diabetes mellitus in patients with risk factors developing of cardiovascular diseases
was investigated. The prevalence of main modifiable factors that generate a high risk of diabetes ...
Smoking is a factor in increasing the risk of endothelial dysfunction and increase the risk of developing diabetes
and cardiovascular diseases. The influence of active and passive smoking on the risk of developing ...
Chlup, R.(Вестник Карагандинского университета, 2016-12-30)
Article summarizes results of important clinical studies targeting on potential benefits of continuous subcutaneous
insulin infusion (CSII) by means of an insulin pump in people with type 2 diabetes. The problems are ...
The analysis of results investigations of mechanisms of diabetogenic activity of metabolits of abnormal tryptophan
metabolism as Xanthurenic acid (XA) are presented in review. Among more than 30 diabetogenic chemicals ...
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that through its complications seriously reduces quality of life and life
expectancy in diseased people. There is a worldwide increase in the prevalence in diabetes mellitus type ...