The paper shows that the surface layer of a metal is a nanostructure. This surface layer possesses
nonlinear properties that depend on its size and all physical properties. The phenomenon of electron
emission from a metal under the action of an external electric field is considered. Taking into account
the dimensional dependence of the conductivity of the surface layer leads to the Mandelbrot equation.
This result shows that the surface layer has a fractal structure. The study of fluctuations of the contact
potential difference on samples made of structural metal alloys is carried out. It has been
experimentally established that the magnitude of the fluctuation of the contact potential difference at
one point of the sample does not depend on the surface roughness. Several mechanisms that lead to
fluctuations in the contact potential difference are considered. The first mechanism is associated with
the thermal motion of the atoms inside the sample. The second mechanism is related to the processes
occurring on the surface of the sample. The third mechanism is related to the processes in the
measuring instrument.