Experiments on computer simulations of the behavior of polar nematic phenylpropargyl ethers of parachlorophylenes on the surface of graphene made it possible to reveal a number of regularities. The dynamics of molecules under the action of an electric field and temperature was investigated. As a method of investigation, the molecular dynamics method was used in the approximation of the liquid aggregate state. The simulation was carried out in an atomistic approach. A small effect of graphene type on the behavior of nematic liquid crystals (NLC) is shown. It should be noted that the NLC is highly ordered in the case of coincidence of the field directions and the flow of the NLC. It is found that with increasing electric field strength the ordering of the cluster grows nonlinearly. And the greatest growth is observed in the field of enlightenment. This allows us to assert that the primary role of graphene and the electric field is the self-organization of the NLC in the region of an isotropic liquid.