Browsing 2018 №1(29) by Title

Browsing 2018 №1(29) by Title

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  • Komilov, O.S.; Sharipov, M.Z.; Tilloev, L.I.; Majidov, J.A. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    An experimental production biogas plant based on solar heating has been designed and built. Its structural scheme and results of calculations of parameters of a biogas plant are given based on the statistical data of ...
  • Kambarova, ZH.T.; Saulebekov, A.O (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    The electron-optical scheme of the electrostatic energy analyzer on the basis of the quadrupole-cylindrical field is proposed. The outer electrode of the proposed energy analyzer has a cone profile, the generatrix of which ...
  • Issakhanov, M.Zh.; Sakipova, Sh.E.; Alibek, N.; Dyusenbaev, Т.V. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    The article discusses the results of development of energy efficient ventilation system of sheepfold. The scheme of the experimental energy-efficient ventilation system of sheepfold is given. The differential equations of ...
  • Zhanabaev, Z.Zh.; Grevtseva, T.Yu.; Ikramova, S.B.; Filippov, N.V. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    In the present work we suggest equations for the description of electrical conductivity of semiconductor quantum nanowires. By use of these equations we explain such features of their current-voltage characteristics as ...
  • Guchenko, S.A.; Zavatskaya, O.N.; Yurov, V.M.; Kasymov, S.S.; Laurinas, V.Ch. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    The paper shows that the surface layer of a metal is a nanostructure. This surface layer possesses nonlinear properties that depend on its size and all physical properties. The phenomenon of electron emission from a metal ...
  • Kazakbay, G.B.; Turalina, D.E. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    In this paper the results of the research conducted with the aim to determine the effective version of hydro wheel blades of straight flow hydro turbine are presented. The increasing of energy efficiency of hydro turbine ...
  • Baktybekov, K.S. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    There are some features in the research of the mechanisms of radiation exposure to solids, that complicate the understanding and quantitative description of such processes. First, the system "substance + radiation exposure" ...
  • Umirzakov, A.G.; Mereke, A.L.; Rakmetov, B.A.; Beisenov, R.E.; Muratov, D.A. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    The work represents a simple fabrication method of a porous nickel anode for thin film solid oxide fuel cells. The porous nickel anode is fabricated using a metal/pore-former mixing method with different rations of powder ...
  • Serikov, T.M.; Ibrayev, N.Kh.; Zeinidenov, A.K. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    In this paper the size and shape of the core-shell nanoparticles were determined with the help of electron microscopic studies. The process of photodegradation of the dye of methyl blue was studied. Dependence from the ...
  • Ashurov, А.Е. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    The results of simulation of the process of the disposal (post-mission disposal or disposal after failure as a result of emergency) of a spacecraft in quasi-geostationary orbit are given. The necessary impulses, fuel ...
  • Guchenko, S.A.; Zavatskaya, O.N.; Yurov, V.M.; Kasymov, S.S.; Laurinas, V.Ch. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    The article reviews the existing methods for determining the surface energy of solids. Each of the methods described is practically limited to either temperature or values that are experimentally determined with low accuracy. ...
  • Zhumaev, M.R.; Sharipov, M.Z.; Mirzhonova, N.N. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A.Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    The effect of the fluctuation interaction of atoms forming a condensate on solitons of the Bose- Einstein condensation is considered. A short derivation of the Gross-Pitaevsky equation is given. The averaged Lagrangian of ...
  • Agelmenev, M.E.; Bratukhin, S.M.; Polikarpov, V.V. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    Experiments on computer simulations of the behavior of polar nematic phenylpropargyl ethers of parachlorophylenes on the surface of graphene made it possible to reveal a number of regularities. The dynamics of molecules ...
  • Astanov, S.Kh.; Kasimova, G.K. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    The self-assembly of riboflavin molecules in aqueous and binary mixtures of solvents was studied by a spectroscopic method. It is shown that the self-assembly of vitamin B2 molecules occurs as a dipole-dipole and strong ...
  • Amochaeva, G.P.; Seisenbaeva, G.S.; Mussina, G.I. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    In this article we describe the development of technical requirements and software for video analytics used at railway crossings in order to determine the stopped vehicles. The work describes the scheme of the video analytics ...
  • Ibraev, E.K.; Ibraeva, O.T.; Sakipov, K.E. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    The article presents the results of a study of high-agglomeration unburned waste coal flotation with the development coal-mineral briquette. The technology is that the process of removing moisture is carried out without ...
  • Kupchishin, A.I.; Tlebaev, K.B. (Publishing House of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov, 2018-03-30)
    X-ray diffraction studies of ultradisperse powder, ordered with the spiral structure of industrial (F-4) and modified polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) on different X-ray machines with different shooting conditions were ...

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