


<ul> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3615> Roman’kov V.A. On the automorphism groups of relatively free groups of infinite rank: a survey /V.A. Roman’kov/</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3614> Yessenbayeva G.A. On the calculation of the rectangular finite element of the plate /G.A. Yessenbayeva, D.N. Yesbayeva, T.Kh. Makazhanova /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3613> Protsenk V.A. Mathematical modeling of the roller-rope coupling operation in misalignment conditions /V.À. Protsenko, Ì.V. Babiy, V.À. Nastasenko /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3609> Kudaibergenov M.K. Stress-strain state horizontal coal seam of finite length /M.K. Kudaibergenov, A.L. Karchevsky, K.T. Iskakov /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3608> Dobrotvor I.G. Automation research of thermal and physical characteristics of particulate-filled epoxy composites /I.G. Dobrotvor, D.P. Stukhlyak, À.V. Buketov, A.G Mykytyshyn, R.Z. Zolotyi, O.V. Totosko /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3607> Urken G.A. Syntactic similarity of definable closures of Jonsson sets /G.A. Urken /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3604> Ulbrikht O.I. Forking and independence for fragments of Jonsson sets /O.I. Ulbrikht /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3604> Kulpeshov B.Sh. On structures in hypergraphs of models of a theory /B.Sh. Kulpeshov, S.V. Sudoplatov/</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3601> Kazhikenova S.Sh. ε-Approximation of the temperatures model of inhomogeneous melts with allowance for energy dissipation /S.Sh. Kazhikenova, M.I. Ramazanov, A.A. Khairkulova,G.S. Shaikhova /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3597> Kassymetova M.T Pregeometry on the subsets of Jonsson theory’s semantic model /M.T. Kassymetova /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3594> Bokayev N.A. Some integral estimates on the cones of functions with the monotonicity conditions /N.A. Bokayev, M.L. Goldman, G.Zh. Karshygina /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3590> Jenaliyev M.T. On the ill-posed problem for the Poisson equation /M.T. Jenaliyev, M.M. Amangaliyeva, K.B. Imanberdiyev</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3584> Jenaliyev M.T. On a stability of a solution of the loaded heat equation /M.T. Jenaliyev, M.M. Amangaliyeva, K.B. Imanberdiyev, M.I. Ramazanov</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3583> Imanbaev N.S. On spectral question of the Cauchy-Riemann operator with homogeneous boundary value conditions /N.S.Imanbaev, B.E.Kanguzhin</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3581>Bitimkhan S.THardy-Littlewood theorem for series with general monotone coefficients /S.Bitimkhan</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3577>Balkizov Zh.A. The first boundary value problem with deviation from the characteristics for a second-order parabolic-hyperbolic equation /Zh.A. Balkizov</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3575>Assanova A.T On the unique solvability of a family of multipoint-integral boundary value problems for a third order differential equation /A.T. Assanova, A.E. Imanchiyev </a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3572>Ashirbayev N. Waves of elastic stresses in the doubly-connected domain /N.Ashirbayev, Zh.Ashirbayeva, T.Sultanbek, M.Shomanbayeva</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3561>Adilkhanov A.N. Strong approximation of Fourier series on generalized periodic Morrey spaces /A.N.Adilkhanov,Zh.Zh.Baituyakova,D.T.Matin</a><br><br>

Recent Submissions

  • Roman’kov, V.A. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    The paper is intended to be a survey on some topics within the framework of automorphisms of a relatively free groups of infinite rank. We discuss such properties as tameness, primitivity, small index, Bergman property, ...
  • Yessenbayeva, G.A.; Yesbayeva, D.N.; Makazhanova, T.Kh. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    The article is devoted to the study of the thin plate bending by the finite element method. The application of the finite element method to solving the problem of the plate bending leads to the necessity of studying the ...
  • Protsenko, V.À.; Babiy, I.V.; Nastasenko, V.A. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    The article deals with the results of construction and mathematical modeling of rope-roller coupling in condition of radial misalignment. As a result of modeling, the operation of coupling is revealed in the presence of ...
  • Dobrotvor, I.G.; Stukhlyak, D.P.; Buketov, À.V.; Mykytyshyn, A.G; Zolotyi, R.Z.; Totosko, O.V. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    Thermal-physical characteristics of filled epoxy composites were investigated by means of the developed device which allowed to do computer-aided research within defined temperature range. Forward and reverse run of relative ...
  • Urken, G.A. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    In the framework of the classification of the Jonsson theories concept of interpretability and admissibility in the language of the semantic triple of the Jonsson theory was considered. A description of the syntactic and ...
  • Ulbrikht, O.I. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    The concept of independence plays a very important role in Model Theory for classification of a fixed complete theory. In this paper, we study the Jonsson theories, which, generally speaking, are not complete. For such ...
  • Kulpeshov, B.Sh.; Sudoplatov, S.V. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    Hypergraphs of models of a theory are derived objects allowing toobtain an essential structural information about both giventheories and related semantic objects including graph ones. In the present paper we define and ...
  • Kazhikenova, S.Sh.; Ramazanov, M.I.; Khairkulova, A.A.; Shaikhova, G.S. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    Accumulated facts and information about the Navier-Stokes equations, together with a large number of experiments and approximate calculations, made it possible to reveal some discrepancies between the mathematical model ...
  • Kudaibergenov, M.K.; Karchevsky, A.L.; Iskakov, K.T. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    As the result of work, analytical expressions for calculation of tension in coal stratum of terminating length, which is under the influence of overlying breeds and is between two drifts are received. The decision is ...
  • Kassymetova, M.T. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    One of the interesting achievements among investigations from modern model theory is the implement of local properties of the geometry of strongly minimal sets. In E. Hrushovski have proved remarkable results under this ...
  • Bokayev, N.A.; Goldman, M.L.; Karshygina, G.Zh. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    In this paper we obtain estimates for the integrals of monotone functions arising in the study of the covering of various cones of functions with monotonicity conditions. We apply the method of covering of the cones with ...
  • Jenaliyev, M.T.; Amangaliyeva, M.M.; Imanberdiyev, K.B. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    A boundary value problem in a two-dimensional rectangular region for the Poisson equation is studied in the paper. The original ill-posed boundary value problem is transformed to the optimal control problem. The paper ...
  • Jenaliyev, M.T.; Amangaliyeva, M.M.; Imanberdiyev, K.B.; Ramazanov, M.I. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    Steadily growing interest in study of loaded differential equations is explained by the range of their applications and a circumstance that loaded equations make a special class of functional-differential equations with ...
  • Imanbaev, N.S.; Kanguzhin, B.E. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    In this paper we consider the eigenvalue problem for the Cauchy-Riemann operator with homogeneous Dirichlet type boundary conditions. The statement of the problem is justified to the theorem of M. Otelbaev and A.N. ...
  • Bitimkhan, S. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    In this work we study trigonometric series with general monotone coefficients. Also, we consider Lq'(Lq) space. In particular, when '(t) 1 the space Lq'(Lq) coincides with Lq. Well known the theorem of Hardy and Littlewood ...
  • Assanova, A.T.; Imanchiyev, A.E. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    A family multipoint-integral boundary value problems for a third order differential equation with variable coefficients is considered. The questions of a existence unique solution of the considered problem and ways of its ...
  • Ashirbayev, N.; Ashirbayeva, Zh.; Sultanbek, T.; Shomanbayeva, M. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    In this paper, we consider a nonstationary mixed problem of impact of a rigid plate on the face surface of the base body containing inside itself a central foreign inclusion. Formulated in terms of stresses and velocities ...
  • Balkizov, Zh.A. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018)
    We pose and investigate the first boundary value problem using a model second order equation of parabolic-hyperbolic type with A.M. Nakhushev’s conditions violated relative to coefficients. Despite these conditions are ...
  • Adilkhanov, A.N.; Baituyakova, Zh.Zh.; Matin, D.T. (Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publishing house, 2018-04)
    In recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to study of Morrey type spaces. Many applications in partial di˙erential equation of Morrey spaces and Lizorkin-Triebel spaces have been given in work G.Di Fazioand, M. ...