<ul> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3615> Roman’kov V.A. On the automorphism groups of relatively free groups of infinite rank: a survey /V.A. Roman’kov/</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3614> Yessenbayeva G.A. On the calculation of the rectangular finite element of the plate /G.A. Yessenbayeva, D.N. Yesbayeva, T.Kh. Makazhanova /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3613> Protsenk V.A. Mathematical modeling of the roller-rope coupling operation in misalignment conditions /V.À. Protsenko, Ì.V. Babiy, V.À. Nastasenko /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3609> Kudaibergenov M.K. Stress-strain state horizontal coal seam of finite length /M.K. Kudaibergenov, A.L. Karchevsky, K.T. Iskakov /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3608> Dobrotvor I.G. Automation research of thermal and physical characteristics of particulate-filled epoxy composites /I.G. Dobrotvor, D.P. Stukhlyak, À.V. Buketov, A.G Mykytyshyn, R.Z. Zolotyi, O.V. Totosko /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3607> Urken G.A. Syntactic similarity of definable closures of Jonsson sets /G.A. Urken /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3604> Ulbrikht O.I. Forking and independence for fragments of Jonsson sets /O.I. Ulbrikht /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3604> Kulpeshov B.Sh. On structures in hypergraphs of models of a theory /B.Sh. Kulpeshov, S.V. Sudoplatov/</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3601> Kazhikenova S.Sh. ε-Approximation of the temperatures model of inhomogeneous melts with allowance for energy dissipation /S.Sh. Kazhikenova, M.I. Ramazanov, A.A. Khairkulova,G.S. Shaikhova /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3597> Kassymetova M.T Pregeometry on the subsets of Jonsson theory’s semantic model /M.T. Kassymetova /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3594> Bokayev N.A. Some integral estimates on the cones of functions with the monotonicity conditions /N.A. Bokayev, M.L. Goldman, G.Zh. Karshygina /</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3590> Jenaliyev M.T. On the ill-posed problem for the Poisson equation /M.T. Jenaliyev, M.M. Amangaliyeva, K.B. Imanberdiyev</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3584> Jenaliyev M.T. On a stability of a solution of the loaded heat equation /M.T. Jenaliyev, M.M. Amangaliyeva, K.B. Imanberdiyev, M.I. Ramazanov</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3583> Imanbaev N.S. On spectral question of the Cauchy-Riemann operator with homogeneous boundary value conditions /N.S.Imanbaev, B.E.Kanguzhin</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3581>Bitimkhan S.THardy-Littlewood theorem for series with general monotone coefficients /S.Bitimkhan</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3577>Balkizov Zh.A. The first boundary value problem with deviation from the characteristics for a second-order parabolic-hyperbolic equation /Zh.A. Balkizov</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3575>Assanova A.T On the unique solvability of a family of multipoint-integral boundary value problems for a third order differential equation /A.T. Assanova, A.E. Imanchiyev </a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3572>Ashirbayev N. Waves of elastic stresses in the doubly-connected domain /N.Ashirbayev, Zh.Ashirbayeva, T.Sultanbek, M.Shomanbayeva</a><br><br> <li><a href=http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/3561>Adilkhanov A.N. Strong approximation of Fourier series on generalized periodic Morrey spaces /A.N.Adilkhanov,Zh.Zh.Baituyakova,D.T.Matin</a><br><br>