The article examines the world experience of development and country specific features of strategic
management of various forms of corporate governance with state participation in the quasi-public sector of
the economy (state holdings, state corporations, state enterprises and state commercial enterprises), which are
legal entities created by the state to conduct business or business activity on behalf of the state. In many
countries of the world, a great deal of experience in the successful strategic management of state corporations
has been accumulated as a kind of a «financial and economic framework» of national economies, ensuring
their accelerated development, including post-crisis and post-war remodernization or the first industrialization
and modernization. The authors emphasized that in all countries where the experience of successful use of
state corporations for development and modernization has been accumulated, the strategic goals of their
activities are clearly fixed at the legislative level, and the results of the strategic development activity are
tightly controlled by administrative bodies and legislators. Indeed, the inability of governments to strictly
follow one policy can significantly reduce the efficiency of the state company's operations and its strategic
management. It was also noted that it is necessary to establish all state corporations only under specific
national target priorities for the period of their implementation.