The article is devoted to the personal and linguistic abilities of the future teacher of a foreign language. Considerable
attention is paid to numerous social changes, as well as Kazakhstan’s entry into the world educational
space, rethinking the target educational guidelines that led to the nomination of a number of new requirements
for the professional training of future specialists, including teachers of a foreign language. According
to these principles, in this vein, a knowledge-oriented approach to education has been replaced by a
competence approach aimed at providing a new quality of professional training, optimal and efficient, from
the point of view of modern objective reality. The authors noted that the competent foreign language teacher
should not only differ by a high level of foreign communicative competence, but also know how to effectively
organize the learning process in different types of educational institutions in the conditions of global
changes. Also, various methodological competence definitions of future foreign language teacher are considered,
which specify the structural components of the phenomenon and emphasize the possible organizational
and technological aspects of the purposeful development of methodological competence in conditions of the