Nowadays the new round of technologies development on voice transfer, and IP-telephony is observed. In a
type of the growing levels of demand and popularity of IP-telephony as bases of corporate communication infrastructure
creation there is a question of ensuring at most a level of its safety. As the server of IP-telephony
has direct access to the network the Internet, and authentication of subscribers happens to IP addresses. In this
article the issue of safety of telephony on the basis of Asterisk from interception of these clients is resolved.
As the network analyzer the software of Wireshark is used. As softfon and client base laptops, computers, and
gadgets on which passes test are considered. Communication of clients with the server passes through a wireless
point of WiFi access. The attacking device is the laptop on which the software package of CommView
for WiFi is established. By the result of carried out test the analysis of network's vulnerability was made.
Recommendations about a measure of protection from unauthorized access are made. The optimum option of
network protection is offered.