The heat capacities of nanosized ferro-chromo-manganites (MII–Mg, Ca,Sr, Ba) are measured via dynamic calorimetry in the temperature range of 298.15–673 K using an IT-S-400 instrument. It is established that the function of (MII–Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) has λ-type effects, due probably to phase transitions of the second order. Considering the temperatures of the
phase transitions, equations of the heat capacity of ferro-chromo-manganites (MII– Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) as a function of temperature are derived on the basis of experimental data. Thermodynamic functions Н°(Т) – Н°(298.15), S°(Т), and Фхх(Т) are calculated in the temperature range of 298.15–675 K.