Problems of understanding legal responsibility in modern law science

Show simple item record Askarov, E.Kh. Kozhakhmetov, G.Z. 2018-02-12T04:43:49Z 2018-02-12T04:43:49Z 2017-06-30
dc.identifier.citation Askarov E.Kh. Problems of understanding legal responsibility in modern law science/E.Kh. Askarov, G.Z. Kozhakhmetov//Қарағанды ун-тінің хабаршысы. Құқық сер.=Вестник Караганд.ун-та=Bulletin of the Karaganda university.-2017.-№2(86).-p.60-66 ru_RU
dc.identifier.issn 2518-7945
dc.description.abstract The article reviews problematic aspects of understanding legal responsibility within current theoretical concepts in theory of law. Authors investigate the contents of such term as «legal responsibility» from perspectives of negative and positive approaches to defining this legal category. Representation of legal responsibility is considered in a form of a complex phenomenon, including two forms of realization: voluntary (positive) and state-forced (negative), from perspective implying unity of positive and negative aspects. Special attention is given to the study of native scientific literature, describing the viewpoints of Kazakh scientists in matters of understanding legal responsibility. It is concluded that the absence of agreement of opinion does not allow to formulate the definition containing all the characteristics of the studied phenomenon. However, the authors make an attempt to build up such a definition. ru_RU
dc.language.iso en ru_RU
dc.publisher Publ.KarSU ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseries Қарағанды ун-тінің хабаршысы. Құқық сер.=Вестник Караганд.ун-та. Серия Право=Bulletin of the Karaganda university. Law Series;№2(86)
dc.subject social responsibility ru_RU
dc.subject legal responsibility ru_RU
dc.subject retroactive (negative) aspect of legal responsibility ru_RU
dc.subject perspective (positive) aspect of legal responsibility ru_RU
dc.subject forms of realization of legal responsibility ru_RU
dc.subject legal obligation ru_RU
dc.subject offence prosecution ru_RU
dc.subject state enforcement measure ru_RU
dc.subject corrective action ru_RU
dc.subject good behavior ru_RU
dc.subject commendation ru_RU
dc.subject concept of the unity of legal responsibility ru_RU
dc.title Problems of understanding legal responsibility in modern law science ru_RU
dc.title.alternative Қазіргі заң ғылымында заңдық жауапкершілікті түсіну мəселелері ru_RU
dc.title.alternative Проблемы понимания юридической ответственности в современной юридической науке ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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