Use of internet technologies in information and education enviroment in universities

Show simple item record Zhumagulova, S.К. Sadanova, B.М. Seidahmаtov, M.D. 2018-01-25T06:42:47Z 2018-01-25T06:42:47Z 2017-06-30
dc.identifier.citation Zhumagulova S.К. Use of internet technologies in information and education enviroment in universities/S.К. Zhumagulova, B.М. Sadanova, M.D. Seidahmаtov//Қарағанды ун-тінің хабаршысы. Педагогика сер.=Вестник Караганд.ун-та=Bulletin of the Karaganda university.-2017.-№2(86).-С.107-111 ru_RU
dc.identifier.issn 2518-7937
dc.description.abstract This article describes the impact of the development of information technology on the learning process, the characteristics of the Internet educational resources were carried out. The analysis of trends in the use of modern information technologies in libraries was conducted. A wide range of services offered in Kazakhstan libraries of national importance is provided. The process of informatization of education in Kazakhstan with the introduction of computer technology in educational activities is reviewed. The use of information resources in the educational process enhances the effectiveness of the learning process, optimizes performance of trainees. Concept of internet technologies is introduced and its types such as WWW service, email and mailing lists, various search engines, ICQ, chats, html forums, guest book, teleconference, ftp servers and so on are examined. Also relevance of the use of information tools in education process, which accorfing to study results contributes to an improvement in an effectiveness of study process and optimization of activities of students, is demonstrated. ru_RU
dc.language.iso en ru_RU
dc.publisher Publ.KarSU ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseries Қарағанды ун-тінің хабаршысы. Педагогика сер.=Вестник Караганд.ун-та. Серия Педагогика=Bulletin of the Karaganda university.Pedagogy Series;№2(86)
dc.subject development ru_RU
dc.subject website ru_RU
dc.subject internet ru_RU
dc.subject electronic textbooks ru_RU
dc.subject programming languages ru_RU
dc.subject technologies ru_RU
dc.subject educational institution ru_RU
dc.subject system ru_RU
dc.subject information ru_RU
dc.subject electronic resource ru_RU
dc.title Use of internet technologies in information and education enviroment in universities ru_RU
dc.title.alternative Жоғарғы оқу орынының ақпараттық білім беру ортасында интернет-технологияларды қолдану ru_RU
dc.title.alternative Использование интернет-технологий в информационно-образовательной среде вуза ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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