Universal elements of unitriangular matrices groups

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dc.contributor.author Konyrkhanova, A.A.
dc.contributor.author Khisamiev, N.G.
dc.date.accessioned 2018-01-15T06:16:48Z
dc.date.available 2018-01-15T06:16:48Z
dc.date.issued 2017-06-30
dc.identifier.citation Konyrkhanova A.A. Universal elements of unitriangular matrices groups/ A.A. Konyrkhanova, N.G. Khisamiev//Қарағанды ун-тінің хабаршысы. Математика сер.=Вестник Караганд.ун-та=Bulletin of the Karaganda university.-2017.-№2(86).-С.79-85 ru_RU
dc.identifier.issn 2518-7929
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/2019
dc.description.abstract The following theorems are proved for a matrix g from the group of unitriangular matrices over a commuta- tive and associative ring K of finite dimension of greater than three with unity: 1) if the matrix g is universal then all of its elements are on the first collateral diagonal except extreme ones are nonzero; 2) if all elements of the first collateral diagonal of the matrix g, with the possible exception of the last element are reversible in K, then g is universal; 3) if the ring K is Euclidean and has no reversible elements except trivial ones, then it follows from the universality of the matrix g that all the elements of its first collateral diagonal, except the extreme ones, are reversible in K. ru_RU
dc.language.iso en ru_RU
dc.publisher Publ.KarSU ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseries Қарағанды ун-тінің хабаршысы. Математика сер.=Вестник Караганд.ун-та. Серия Математика=Bulletin of the Karaganda university. Mathematics Series;№2(86)
dc.subject unitriangular matrix group ru_RU
dc.subject commutator ru_RU
dc.subject commutant ru_RU
dc.subject universal element ru_RU
dc.subject ring ru_RU
dc.subject еuclidean ring ru_RU
dc.subject associative ring ru_RU
dc.title Universal elements of unitriangular matrices groups ru_RU
dc.title.alternative Униyшбyрышты матрицалар топтарының әмбебап элементтерi ru_RU
dc.title.alternative Универсальные элементы групп унитреугольных матриц ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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