Selection of Bergenia crassifolia specimens based on a complex of decorative characteristics in the flora of Kazakhstan Altai and their introduction in the Altai Botanical Garden

Show simple item record Tuchina, L.A. Danilova, A.N. Lagus, O.A. Sumbembayev, A.A. 2024-07-12T10:52:19Z 2024-07-12T10:52:19Z 2024
dc.identifier.citation Selection of Bergeniacrassifoliaspecimens based on a complex of decorative characteristics in the flora of Kazakhstan Altai and their introduction in the Altai Botanical Garden/TuchinaL.A.[et al.] // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. “Biology.Medicine.Geography” Series. — 2024. — Vol. 29 - Iss. 2(114).— 64-75pp. ru_RU
dc.identifier.issn 2663-5003
dc.language.iso other ru_RU
dc.publisher Karagandy University of the name of acad. E.A. Buketov ru_RU
dc.subject Bergenia crassifolia ru_RU
dc.subject Altai Botanical Garden ru_RU
dc.subject Selection ru_RU
dc.subject Kazakhstan ru_RU
dc.subject Altai ru_RU
dc.subject flora ru_RU
dc.subject decorative characteristics ru_RU
dc.subject specimens based ru_RU
dc.subject Қазақстан ru_RU
dc.subject Алтай ru_RU
dc.subject флора ru_RU
dc.subject сәндік сипаттамалар ru_RU
dc.subject үлгілер ru_RU
dc.subject Алтай ботаникалық бағы ru_RU
dc.subject интродукциялау ru_RU
dc.subject Отбор ru_RU
dc.subject декоративные признаки ru_RU
dc.subject формообразцы ru_RU
dc.title Selection of Bergenia crassifolia specimens based on a complex of decorative characteristics in the flora of Kazakhstan Altai and their introduction in the Altai Botanical Garden ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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