The article is dedicated to the comparative analysis of Kazakh, Russian and Bulgarian presidential discourse.
Presidential power influences both the domestic and foreign policy of the state. Based on this, there has been
a tendency to consider the presidential discourse as an independent trend for the last two decades in Linguistics.
The article presents an overview of a number of works devoted to the study of the speeches of Heads of
state, the classification of political genres and the discursive approach to the investigation of metaphor, and it
identifies the conceptual spheres to be the most active sources of modern political metaphors. The purpose of
the work is to determine similarities and dissimilarities in the texts of the Addresses of the Heads of States
(Kazakhstan, Russia and Bulgaria), the quantitative analysis and interpretation of linguistic means, as well as
the manifestation of the linguistic persona of the leader in the Address. The object of the research is the study
of the personal factor in the Address, the patterns of representation of reality by the political figure through
the prism of the frequent use of language means. The material of the research is the texts of the Addresses of
the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Russia and Bulgaria for 2021-2022. The analysis made it possible to conclude
about the high frequency of use of specific types of metaphor in the given historical period. We suppose that
the construction of semantic models, calculation of the frequent use of linguistic means and analysis of statistical
data allow us to show the peculiarities of the implementation of metaphors in the Kazakh, Russian, and
Bulgarian political discourse, due to the individual characteristics of the speech of the President’s persona and
his ethnocultural representation of the reality.