This article analyzes Kazakh folk poems (folk songs) and their artistic specifics. In the collection and systematization
of folk poems, huge work, original searches, scientific conditions and views of the folklorist scientist
Bekmurat Uakhatov are analyzed. In addition, the opinions of a number of scientists regarding folk poems
are given. In the course of the study, the compositional structure and the artistic features of folk poems are
considered on the basis of methods of historical-genetic, structural-typological expertise and the analysis of
folklore text. The article will focus on the methods of systematization and practice of publishing folk poems
by the folklorist Bekmurat Uakhatov. The analysis of positions in folk poems will be carried out, demonstrating
the artistry of the existence of the sung events. In addition, the types of folk poems on each topic are
proved by the examples, scientific novelty is justified. As a result, B. Uakhatov's scientific judgments on folk
poems that had not previously been included in the research cycle were analyzed from a new methodological
point of view, general patterns and features characteristic of the genre of the poem were highlighted.