Social and cultural conditions for the reformation of the school system in Central Kazakhstan in 1930-1940-s

Show simple item record Zueva, L.I. Nurligenova, Z.N. 2017-08-02T05:11:55Z 2017-08-02T05:11:55Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Zueva L.I. Social and cultural conditions for the reformation of the school system in Central Kazakhstan in 1930-1940-s/L.I.Zueva , Z.N.Nurligenova//European journal of natural history.- № 2.- 2016.-P.54-58 ru_RU
dc.description.abstract The article examines the processes of reform of school education in Central Kazakhstan, highlighted the steps fundamental changes in education in the 1930–1940. The main feature of the reform of the specified period was the organization of primary universal education, elimination of illiteracy among the Kazakh population. The main effort in the formation of a new system of education focused on the development of the elementary school, which is the basis of the educational system. The authors note that Soviet school had a positive experience of the polytechnic education, teaching of natural sciences. The most important components of system of polytechnic education are implementation of the principle of polytechnic in teaching of the principles of science, industrial excursion, extra- curricular lessons on technique and agrobiology. Socially useful productive work of pupils become unchangeable in the practice of the Soviet school. School was able to meet not only the requirements of institutions, but also the need for replenishment of the working class and the collective farm peasantry. However, the Great Patriotic War, which began in 1941, broke People’s Commissariat for Education’s plans, but suspended the decision of this problem. ru_RU
dc.language.iso en ru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseries EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY;№ 2, 2016
dc.subject school education ru_RU
dc.subject illiteracy, semi-illiteracy ru_RU
dc.subject illiteracy ru_RU
dc.subject semi-illiteracy ru_RU
dc.subject reform ru_RU
dc.title Social and cultural conditions for the reformation of the school system in Central Kazakhstan in 1930-1940-s ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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