The term «concept» is considered from the point of view as a new science that has emerged within the
framework of the anthropocentric paradigm — linguoculturology. The characteristic features of concepts with
different semantic components in structure and character are analyzed. The article generalizes the presence of
an image-associative layer of concepts — one of the most important features that differs from the term and
has the necessary communicative and semantic representation. On the basis of this study, the authors have
proposed viewing concepts as a structure consisting of the inter-zone, extra-zone, quasi-zone and quasientropy.
It is revealed that the means of the concepts representation, which is the center of the conceptual layer
of language consciousness, around which additional layers are grouped. Associative vectors diverge from
the «value-accented point of consciousness». The language or speech unit, with the help of which is updating
the «Central point» of the concept.