The article provides a linguistic and historical overview of the problem of integration and differentiation of
kinship and affinity of languages, including the features of unions. Based on the conducted linguistic analysis,
the authors come to the conclusion that if adverbs in languages of different genders and tribes of Turkic
origin are the result of integration of Turkic languages, then the division in the middle ages of Turkic languages
(modern national languages, such as Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, etc. languages) is the result of the division
of Turkic languages into branches, groups and subgroups. In the course of the work, the authors identify
integration and differentiation processes, the kinship and affinity of languages and their integration into one
language union, which was influenced by extralinguistic factors. Analysis and comparison of homonymous
and polysemantic auxiliary morphemes, namely: case endings, plural endings, possessiveness and declension,
suffixes of the noun, adjective, pronouns and verbs of the az-Zamakhshari dictionary [1] and the Kazakh language
once again proves the historical uniformity of the vocabulary of the XII century and the modern Kazakh
language. At the end of the article, the authors conclude that the differences between auxiliary morphemes
in the «Dictionary» and the Kazakh language are expressed in phonetic composition, and semantic
and grammatical functions of morphemes state the similarity and homogeneity of languages that belong to the
Kipchak, Oguz and Karluk groups.