In Kazakhstan, in the process of transition the education to updated content, there is a problem of providing
biology classes with the necessary materials in English. At the school and university level, there is a lack of
textbooks, manuals and trilingual dictionaries on Biology. This aspect does not allow to learn successfully biology
in English, to understand translation of terms, to translate in English. In present article materials on
studying of application’s efficiency of the using trilingual dictionary (English-Russian-Kazakh, Russian-
Kazakh-English and Kazakh-English-Russian) in senior high school are stated. The effectiveness of the trilingual
dictionary on zoology in additional Biology classes in English was evaluated. The results of the studies
show that the application of the trilingual dictionary in Biology lessons reliably increases the level of understanding
of specialized texts and translation of scientific materials. The use of the dictionary on zoology
increases the efficiency of translation from English to Russian and from Russian to English, reduces the time
required for translation.